Sunday, September 27, 2009

Week Four Results

Week Four Results
Name (# of Games Correct Out of 20)
Reid - AFLAC (15)
Nick - Richey's Friend (15)
John Yarborough - AFLAC (15)
The Artist Formerly Known as Ms. Compass (15)
Reade (15)
Andy - AFLAC (15)
Marty Finn - Richey's Other Friend (15)
Reid Won in Tiebreaker
Kibbe (14)
Patty (14)
Lenny (14)
David Downs (14)
Lee "The Greek" Foster (14)
Payton (14)
David Richey (13)
Alexander (13)
Dallas Downs (13)
Big O (12)
Matt Murphy (12)
*** The following people still owe $5 to Reid - AFLAC (David Richey will collect for Reid whether he wants to or not): Marty Finn - Richey's Other Friend, Kibbe, Alexander